This series was born as a collaboration with Restaurant Le Petit Léon in Saint Léon-sur-Vézère just as the river was flooding right up to the steps of town hall.
The inspiration comes from the Vézère itself, from the many states of water—frost, mist, rain, clouds, and more—and all that the river makes possible. Flooding makes for rich, dark soil that feeds our forests, fields, and vineyards. It nourishes the unique agriculture and cuisine that has sustained the people—the artists, innovators, and growers—who have lived here for so long.
I hope these paintings will nourish you as well.
I made it mostly outdoors by the river--in all types of weather!
The first step is a series of blue and white layers representing water and sky. The second step is an ode to the soils and the delicious things they produce painted with homemade walnut ink. Then, there are brushstrokes that echo the warm colors of the local stone and deep pinkish purples of the region’s wines. The final touches are pencil and pastel lines that remind us of our own presence in the landscape.
We each have our own story to discover and path to find in harmony with what’s around us.
I hope this work nourishes you and makes you feel connected to the Périgord.